Horizons The School

We help children engage their bodies and minds through fun and educational activities.

About us

The cornerstone of Horizons The School was laid in April 2019, with the objective of laying the foundation for the  Early childhood development of a child in all the 5 domains of ECCE Program. It was initiated by Ms. Sadhvi Bathla, Founder Director of Horizons. The passion and vision with which the foundation of our Educational Organization was laid down can be clearly seen in the ETHOS we strongly believe in .

The Early Childhood Care and Education aims to cover the five domains of a child development, i.e., Cognitive development, socio-emotional Development, Creative arts and Aesthetics Appreciation, Physical and motor Development, Early Language and Literacy Development. Horizons The School revolves around the curriculum and daily schedule that covers all five areas of development on a daily basis. Our school is all about laying a strong foundation for children of “FOUNDATIONAL STAGE (Pre-Nursery-Grade 2)”, which contains the following areas of scholastic and non-scholastic domain.